On the Mark Writing

Freelance Writing and Virtual Assistant Services

Specializing in the parenting and education markets

Julie Creasey B.A., B.Ed, E.C.E

I'm an experienced writer with formal training in Communication Studies, Business and Education. I created On the Mark Writing to provide clients with the best in quality, original writing.

Photo of Julie Creasey - Hire on the Mark Writing for you freelance writer

Hire an experienced writer

I have both formal training and work experience in writing. My background includes Communications Studies, Business and Education. I started my training with a Diploma in Radio and Television Arts focusing on writing and producing. Flash forward many years, and I still use the writing skills I learned in this program.

After finishing my diploma,  I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies and certificate in Business Management. I put to use the skills I developed in persuasive writing, research-based writing and effective communication to provide my clients with top quality, original writing.

Teaching background

I’ve also completed a Bachelor of Education degree and training as an early childhood educator. I worked in the field, and I still volunteer in this area. I’ve learned a lot about presentation skills and summarizing content in this work, which has helped me develop as a writer.

Policy Analyst – Government and business writing

After relocating to Ottawa, I jumped back into the communications field by working as Policy Analyst for the Federal Government. I was responsible for writing and editing policy research based publications, briefing materials and presentations.

When I had my family, I stayed home with my two daughters, and now that they are back at school, I’m happily working as an experienced freelance writer.

Work with On the Mark Writing

You can count on a quick learner, and a writer who delivers on time, as promised. I can prepare original blogs, social media content, Canva designs, or whatever your needs are.

Writer's desk with notepad, pen, keyboard, coffee cup and flower